There are lots of factors to consider in order to get a great group photo. Here are some key points:
Location. Is there a good space availble, which looks good and where everyone can fit comfortably? If the group is large then they should either be arranged on multiple levels, ie on a slope, stairs, etc. If this isn't possible then is there a way that the photographer can look down at the group from above?
Lighting. When shooting indoors I will almost always use flashes, so lighting isn't a problem, however when shooting outdoors direct sunlight should be avoided as it can cause uneven lighting across the group, harsh shadows and squinting. The only way to easily include sunlight is from behind, but carefully as when it can give people red ears, due to the sun shining through the blood in the ears.
Posing. When posing groups it can be a good idea to incorporate furniture, architecture, etc for people to sit, recline or lean on. This will give a more natural feel to the shot and create a more dynamic composition. Posing each person individually will influence the overall composition, which should be balanced visually. Also groups should be arranged in such a way that peoples heights balance out, men and women should be interspersed, and colours of clothing should also be taken into account.
Atmosphere. Body language and facial expressions are important, so it's important the photographer brings out the best in a group to create a natural and relaxed atmosphere.
In this group shot for Expedia the idea was to show each individual with items or styling that portrayed something about their personal interests.
Another group photo for Expedia showing everyone as world travellers.
A beach barbeque themed group shot, also for Expedia.
A simple, yet bold group photo, with nice natural backlighting, for Barclays.
A relaxed group photo for Villiers using natural light and a good use of depth.
Another shot for Villiers, showing the team in a natural, candid way.
A quirky take on the group photo, also for Villiers.
A documentary style team photo of the Avanton team.
A group photo taken at a Herbalife event. Stairs can be very useful for arranging groups.
A group photo taken on top of a half finished skyscraper, for Mace.
Using furniture was very useful in this group shot for cool gaming company Gram Games.
You can never go wrong with a bit of sunshine and nature. Shot for Portman Dental.